Thursday, March 5, 2015


How to use Hastags to increase Twitter followers
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Hashtags are a great way to find people on Twitter or other social media sites. Using them is a great way to get more followers without much work.
There are rules when using hashtags to make them more effective.


Don’t Use to Many in One Tweet – Using a ton of hashtags is a big no. It looks sloppy and makes you look like you don’t know what you’re doing. A good rule is to use two or three tags at most.
Avoid Long Hashtags – Lengthy tags are looked down upon. One or two syllable words are best. Sometimes you can use two words, make sure that you capitalize the first letter of each word.
Forget Obscure Hashtags – Strange hashtags won’t do you any good. If your hashtags don’t match the content, people will get confused and stop reading your content.
Don’t Steal Hashtags – Stealing hashtags is a bad habit to get into. One mistake that is made is using trending hashtags for content that is not related. In extreme cases the creator of the hashtag may actually report a user for using a stolen hashtag.
Made Up Hashtags Are Bad – Making up your own hashtags creates confusion and will get a user labeled as a fake. It’s always better to do a little research and find real tags that are being used and are relevant to your content.
Make Good Content – Quality content is the number one rule in marketing. If mediocre content is being published and shared it looks bad. Good hashtags are a part of good content.
Use Pictures – Pictures almost always get higher click through rates and re-tweets. Just make sure you use original photos that are eye catching. Using a good picture with the right hashtag is a great way to get new followers and retweets.
Don’t Sell All the Time – A good rule to follow is the 80/20 rule. Neil Patel uses 1 piece of promotional content for to every four pieces of value. And he always makes sure to use the only the highest quality content when he is sharing other peoples stuff. Change up the hashtag and message on each tweet you send.
Keep the Message Short – Twitter message should always be kept down to 100-120 characters (this includes the hashtag) so people can adjust and add their own twist as needed.  
Watch How the Pros Do It – Modeling is the best way you to succeed. Look at other users tweets that have the success you want. You can use similar styles and hashtags to get the same results.
Have a Complete Profile – Make sure you have a complete profile and use hashtags on your bio. You can see mine below as an example, I have about 18,000 followers that are engaging and get hundreds of new followers every day.
How to use Hashtags to increase Twitter followers
Tweet Consistently – Use hashtags on a majority of your tweets and tweet consistently. Use a program like Tweet Deck to schedule tweets while you’re sleeping. Send no more than one Tweet an hour or you’ll plug up people’s feeds and lose followers. That means you should have about 4-5 of your own post in a 24 hour period and the rest should be other users or influencers in your niche.
Thank Others and Promote Them – When someone retweets your content, thank them and put a hashtag in the Tweet like #Gratitude.
Don’t Spam – Avoid spamming through DM and with Tweets. Oftentimes I see users that put trending hashtags with a link to a capture page and tweet that once an hour. That’s a quick way to isolate you, it’s better to create valuable content. I sometimes tweet capture pages, but I don’t get much results with that method to often unless I am giving away an ebook.
Avoid Focusing Only On Yourself – It’s important for users to remember that they are on a social network and are serving other people. It’s important that users engage with other people and share their content.
Twitter is a fun platform once it’s understood. Users Tweet more than 95,000,000 Tweets a day, that’s a lot of opportunity for traffic and engagement from one platform.
Have fun and use third party apps to cut down time, you’ll eventually become a powerful influencer on Twitter. Good luck!

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